World Day Of Prayer, 2024 March 24
Just this week I drove past a church sign that reminded passers-by that today is ‘World Day of Prayer, 2024’. I investigated further to learn that the theme for 2024 calls for us *“to bear with each other in love, despite all difficulties and oppression.”* I use this occasion to remind us all of the power of prayer in our lives, our community and more broadly for those in need around the world.
If at the moment you are struggling in your personal circumstance I encourage you not to lose heart, and to know that God hears your prayers. He seeks to draw close to you and surround you with His love.
*Cast all your cares (all your anxieties, all your worries, and all your concerns, once and for all) on Him, for He cares about you (with deepest affection, and watches over you very carefully). 1 Peter 5:7*
Please keep Claremont in your daily prayers, for unity and goodwill in our diversity and for God’s blessing, help, and protection in all that happens here at school. I also value your prayers for me, as a leader, and I am truly grateful to those who tell me that you pray for me.
As a community let us pray for the many people globally who are currently suffering during troubled times. There are many members of our school community who have family and loved ones both in the Ukraine and the Middle East.
Here is a beautiful prayer which Sam E (Yr 6) prayed in Chapel this afternoon. Thanks Sam and Max F, who also prayed, for doing an awesome job leading in our service.
Dear God, You have always existed. You will always exist. Help us to take comfort in the fact that you have always been around. When our problems seem too huge, help us to remember that you have seen all human problems since the beginning of time. Help us to take comfort in the fact that you will always be around. No matter how old we get, we can still talk to you and enjoy your company. We look forward to being with you in heaven for eternity. Amen
Mr Doug Thomas, Principal