Children’s Friendships (Part 2)

Relationships Predict Our Wellbeing

Following on from my previous article (linked here) on how our relationships predict our wellbeing, here I focus on the importance of being in the moment for the health of relationships and how it relates to parenting.

Being in the moment allows parents to truly connect with your child. When we are fully present, we are able to listen attentively to their thoughts and feelings and the child feels ‘seen and heard’, not for what they can do or achieve but for who they are. By being in the moment, we can take in facial expressions and other cues, picking up on things the child may be communicating but not ‘saying’. This helps build trust and strengthens our bond with our children, as they feel heard and understood.

About a year ago, there was a meme floating around that claimed that 75% of the time you’ll ever get to spend with your children is over by the time they turn 12’. I’m not sure of the factuality of this calculation but life passes by so quickly and yet *‘the trouble is, you think you have time’. *(a quote attributed to Buddha). Engaging with your child fully in their daily activities, such as playing, reading, or even just having conversations, helps build connections, creates lasting memories for both and lays the foundation for a strong and loving relationship with your child.

Ms Catherine McKersie, School Counsellor