Faith and Mission

At Claremont College, we place great importance on instilling strong Christian values in our students. We believe that the values of love, respect, kindness, and empathy are fundamental to the development of well-rounded individuals. Therefore, we offer several opportunities for our students to learn and grow in their faith. As a school we look to Jesus, His example and His teachings from the Bible.

As outlined in our current Strategic Intent, Claremont College seeks to be a school that equips our students to serve others and the community. Staff and students know and use their strengths to give back and bring hope to circumstances and the lives of others.

Established in 1882, Claremont College has a significant presence in the Randwick community. We seek to continue to be a school that serves and impacts our community, and be a place that brings light, hope and love.

Our Chapel Program is one of the highlights of our week. Every week, our students, from Kindergarten to Year 6) gather for a Chapel Service, where they participate in worship and listen to a message from a variety of staff members. Our teachers provide a thought-provoking message that is geared toward our students in an age-appropriate way, to help them understand how they can live out their faith in their own daily lives. These Chapel Services provide a great opportunity for our students to come together and worship as a school community.

Scripture lessons are timetabled once a week in class, where students hear stories from the Bible, sing songs, role-play, and complete activities with their peers in an age-appropriate way. 

In addition, students are able to take part in a variety of other non-compulsory co-curricular groups that seek to give students the opportunity to meet together, in a fun setting, to explore their faith and to encourage each other.

Our school nurtures and educates young people in accordance with the doctrines, tenets, beliefs and teachings of the Anglican Church Diocese of Sydney.

Our Core Values are deeply embedded in the heart of our school. They guide us as we move into the future, providing direction for our priorities, plans and decision. With this clear sense of purpose, we move forward with confidence and excellence.

Doug Thomas