Representative Council – Speak Up And Represent!

It was great to meet with our Student Representative Council (SRC) this week. The SRC comprises each grade’s Captains, and meets together every fortnight. The purpose of the SRC is to promote a cross-section of views from a range of grades, cultures and backgrounds, and for our students to contribute their voice towards the decision making within our school. We know that young people have a right to be heard about decisions that affect them (United Nations’ Convention on the Rights of the Child – CROC; NSW Child Safe Standards). Where there is active participation from students, schools develop safer schools and stronger relationships with the community (Department of Education and Early Childhood Development). During our SRC meetings, all leaders must be responsible and trusted, collaborative, respectful, caring and be open-minded to ideas.

This past month, the SRC has been consulted about our school’s behavioural expectations. We were keen to learn from our students where they feel are the ‘hotspots’ around the school so we can set clearer behavioural expectations. Students also shared the expectations they feel we need to communicate more to everyone in our school.

Mrs Larissa Cameron

*Deputy Principal*

‘Be respectful to our environment, and don’t litter.’ *Ernie C, Year 4 *’Don’t hurt people by touching them.’

*Cameron F, Year 2 *’Listen to others so you don’t hurt their feelings.’
*Teddy N, Year 2 *’Use technology safely.’
*Isabella H, Year 3 *’Think before you say something.’ *Ella F, Year 3*

Thanks to our Grade Captains for their contribution to our SRC this term.