Our Graduate Attributes which are described in our current Strategic Intent
align with our Goal Setting strategies, and our Goal Setting strategies
align with our Graduate Attributes. By the time our students graduate from
Year 6 our aim is for each student to be confident to set goals, solve
problems, and understand themselves as learners in the following ways,
where the students will become:

*#1 Curious and resilient learners*… No matter what comes along in life, we
aim for our students to be curious to learn more, and resilient during
setbacks as they travel on their learning journey.

*#2 Critical and creative thinkers*… Our students will grow up to be
critical by challenging themselves in their choice of goals rather than
taking the easy road, and they will be creative in planning how to achieve
their goals.

*#5 They will be committed and empathetic problem solvers*… By being
committed to achieve their goals, the students will be empathic toward
themselves and others in the pursuit of their goals, and they will be
dedicated to solve problems, as they move toward their goal outcome.

We hope that by including parents in goal setting discussions at home, and
through the Parent/Student/Teacher meetings, you have all felt a sense of
inclusion and voice in your child/ren’s goals, and feel that you have an
understanding of the purpose of these strategies. We also hope that you are
able to incorporate goal setting into your child/ren’s home life as well.

*Proverbs 21:5 *“The plans of the diligent lead to profit as surely as
haste leads to poverty.”

Mrs Janelle Ford Deputy Principal