Thank you to our Year 6 Student Leaders for creating this special ANZAC Day message for 2020.
Hi everyone, we hope you’ve had a relaxing Easter break. ANZAC Day is tomorrow and as you know and it is a very special day in our community to celebrate those who we have lost and those who serve in the armed forces. This year we will be doing ANZAC Day a bit differently, because of Covid-19. We have some suggestions for the Claremont families, about how we can all recognise ANZAC Day.
This year you can…
- Light candles in your driveways at dawn
- Make ANZAC biscuits
- Make a card to send to your local RSL
- Watch the ANZAC service on TV
- Listen to the Dawn Service while you light your candles
- Create a red poppy to wear all day
- Talk to your parents or grandparents about family members who have served in the armed forces
- Pick and wear Rosemary to wear all day (to help you remember)
- Do chalk drawings in front of your house to honor the ANZACS
- Hang up an Australian flag and/or the New Zealand flag, or if you don’t have one you can create a flag.
Please take photos of any of these activities and send these to us (via [email protected]) so we can create a collage of how our school community celebrated ANZAC Day this year. We will share your photos in next week’s newsletter.
Joseph Acland, Scarlett Osler, Nicholas Hickman & Akanksha Mohan Year 6 School Leaders