We have all been enjoying a sense of relief with the easing of restrictions across NSW and perhaps we are seeing some ‘light at the end of the tunnel’. Unfortunately, the small spikes in community transition experienced across Sydney this week, provide the reminder of the need for careful health and safety measures at school. We must not become complacent. It is important therefore, to provide you with the following reminders regarding:
- Social distancing onsite and around the school gates
- Good hygiene practices
- Ensuring that children (and siblings) to do not attend school with cold and flu symptoms
- Communication at Claremont
- The ongoing need for updated personal contact details
- Procedures for possible campus closure
Communications at Claremont
A reminder that should you need to contact someone, our COVID-19 response plan provides the following communication channels.
For day to day information and inquiries
Email [email protected] or phone the school 9399 3217
Regarding your child’s learning
Contact Mrs Ford (Deputy Principal), Mrs Dalheim (Head of Learning Enrichment) or your child’s teacher by email [email protected]
We are here to help you. As a school community we must also care for each other. If you have concerns for your child, your family, your personal circumstances or another family, please let us know. All matters will be treated in the strictest of confidence.
Contact our School Counsellor, Miss Catherine McKersie or Deputy Principal, Mrs Larissa Cameron at [email protected]
Technology Support
If you have a problem with an iPad or accessing online learning
Contact our IT Manager, Mr Drew Nield at [email protected]
Personal Support
For confidential matters, to inform the Principal of a positive coronavirus diagnosis for yourself or someone living in your house, if you have recently travelled from Victoria, or for any other important matter.
Contact Mr Thomas’ PA, Mrs Kathy Clare Rochester at [email protected]
School Billings and Accounts
Contact the Anglican Schools Corporation directly
Phone 8567 4000 (Monday to Friday, 8:30am – 5pm)
Email [email protected]
Please see the Parent Communication Guide for more information.
Possible campus closure due to COVID-19
In the event of a member of our school community testing positive with COVID-19, and should we be required to call parents to collect children during school hours, the following broad guiding principles are important for all of us to follow and be aware of:
- Maintain a sense of efficiency and calm;
- Keep people safe by minimising and mitigating risk;
- Maintain the privacy of individuals;
- Reduce anxiety for us all (especially for the children);
- Communicate with clarity and accuracy (using the regular SMS, email and website updates); and
- Carefully follow Public Health Unit and school procedures.
I would ask all parents to read the Temporary Closure of Campus Procedure (located on our website) and to be ready to carefully follow and comply with the alerts and directions provided by both the school and other authorities that might be working alongside us. I am mindful that the media love and create a fuss, plus social media heightens anxiety for us all, especially when there is the risk of false information being posted rapidly on Facebook, WhatsApp and other forums.
In the event of sending children home, we need to keep safe, avoid traffic congestion, be patient, calm and sensible. Taking a little extra time will minimise mistakes and accidents. Together, this will be a shared responsibility. Parents should follow the usual school traffic management guidelines. Essentially, we will follow our usual school pick-up procedures with the children being carefully supervised and guided calmly through the process to minimise possible anxiety. The school will communicate anything different from this via app alerts, SMS and/or email.
Please ensure that your contact details are correct
In the event of the school being required to close temporarily, and should we be required to call parents to collect children during school hours, it is very important that you have your contact details always up to date. This includes updating your permission for others to collect your children. If you are working, (at the time of a COVID-19 related closure, or for any other reason) and we need you to collect your child/ren, it may be that you will ask a friend to collect. If this person/s are NOT already listed on your Student Details and Permissions Form 2020 that you completed at the end of 2019, then the school must have your permission in writing for this to happen. You can do this by emailing [email protected] and our Admin team will add your authorised contacts to this form.
If a person is not listed in our records, we trust that you will not complain if they are initially denied access at the time of pick-up (when a child is getting collected at the gate). The children will go to the office until we get further confirmation and clarity.
Also ensure that your personal contact details are always up to date on your Parent Portal. Please contact our IT Manager, Mr Andrew Nield immediately via [email protected] should you not be able to access your parent portal page.
Social Distancing, Events and Functions in Term 4
Until further notice we will continue to maintain the social distancing expectations and guidelines that were enforced across Term 3. Parents and visitors are not permitted to enter the campus without first signing in at Reception. Department of Education guidelines presently do not permit large gatherings in the school, and when students and staff gather for assembly, we can only do so for a maximum of 15 minutes. This is why our weekly Chapel service will continue to be delivered online until further notice.
Despite some easing of restrictions into Term 4, unfortunately we do not anticipate holding large school events or gatherings this term. This is because we must continue to enforce social distancing measures at events, (generally one adult per 4 square metres) which therefore prohibits large gatherings simply due to a lack of space in our hall and other spaces. This is disappointing for us all, however please be assured that my team is working hard to create meaningful opportunities for us all, in lieu of these events.
If in doubt, please have a COVID test
As we transition into Term 4, the school policy remains to request a COVID-19 test where a student or staff member displays fever or cold or flu symptoms. Siblings will not be allowed to attend school until dated COVID test results are provided to the school.
We fully appreciate the imposition placed on busy families, especially working parents. However in the interests of keeping staff, students and our wider community safe, these measures have become necessary. To support students (and their parents) who are kept at home due to health reasons we will provide online learning.