The outbreak and rapid spread of the Coronavirus is a major concern for our community and the world at this time. The media bombards us with information that can be reactionary, inconsistent and quite confusing. As we have seen, the situation is developing rapidly, it is difficult to make assumptions about what might happen over the coming days and weeks and consequently, recommendations necessarily change. Therefore, as a school, we endeavour to develop a broad continuity strategy and to provide information to you with clarity and in a timely and helpful manner.
Following my last update (see school website, 4 March), I would like to assure families that we continue to monitor this situation closely and that we are looking to adjust our practices as needed, to prioritise the safety of our students and the wider school community.
Ongoing Travel Restrictions
Students and staff are not to attend school if they have:
- Left, or transited through mainland China in the last 14 days (they must isolate themselves for 14 days from leaving mainland China);
- Left, or transited through Iran, Italy or South Korea on or after 1 March (they must isolate themselves until 14 days after leaving these countries); or
- Been in contact with a confirmed case of Coronavirus in the last 14 days (they must isolate themselves for 14 days after the date of last contact with the confirmed case).
If this need for isolation affects your child, you should notify the School immediately so that we can make arrangements to facilitate their learning during this time. Please also ensure that if you or another one of your child carers (or people living in your house) has been travelling overseas or has been in contact with a case of Coronavirus, they should not be visiting the school for any event including drop-off and pick-up at the start or finish of the day.
Illness and Display of Symptoms
In the event that your child or a family member is diagnosed with Coronavirus, please inform the school immediately via [email protected]
Consistent with current guidelines, students and staff who are unwell with respiratory (or other) illnesses should remain at home until symptoms resolve. In accordance with our current practice if any student becomes unwell, they will be checked by our school nurse. We will implement our infection control guidelines and follow the advice provided by the NSW Ministry of Health.
Please consider the impact of your child’s illness on other children, their teachers and others in our school. Do not send your child to school if he/she should exhibit a fever. Do not dose your child with Panadol and/or Nurofen prior to coming to school. Do not send your child to school if they exhibit coughing and other cold symptoms. Whilst it may be inconvenient for working parents to have your child at home, masking a child’s fever with a morning dose of Panadol is dangerous, careless and selfish, as this compromises the health of individuals, the entire school and even the greater community.
If you are concerned about your child’s health, please consult with your GP. If your child has an ongoing immune-compromised condition, please contact our school nurse immediately on Monday to discuss any revisions to his/her current health plan via [email protected]
If you chose to not send your child to school, because you are fearful of them contracting Coronavirus, at this point in time, the school is not able to provide them with the work they have missed out on.
Excursions and offsite activities
All excursions and sport will be assessed on a case by case basis evaluating the venue, crowds and travel arrangements. Unless further information comes to light this weekend, the Year 6 excursion to Canberra will continue as planned. We will email and SMS Year 6 parents should we receive any information that requires us to cancel the excursion at the very last minute. If over the weekend, parents choose to not send their child on the Canberra excursion, please inform the school immediately [email protected]. Please understand that refunds are not possible. Your child will join Year 3, 4 or 5 for their learning should they not attend the excursion.
School Events
At this point in time, our ‘Grandparents’ and Special Friends’ Day’ will go ahead as planned for Tuesday 17 March. Given that the elderly are particularly susceptible to Coronavirus, a level of caution is required on the part of all visitors in determining whether or not to attend. The event will be recorded and posted on our website. Given the rapid escalation of the spread of the virus in Sydney, the cancellation of this event may ultimately be required, and we ask for your understanding should this be the case.
Determination of events and gatherings such as our weekly Chapel service, the P&F Disco later this month, and ANZAC events will be communicated, as we receive advice from authorities.
Possible Closure of the School
If given the direction by government authorities to close the school, we will do so. The school leadership team has developed a ‘Continuity Plan’ which will be implemented should closure be required. The key priorities within this plan include;
- Preparation over the coming weeks. This will involve checking and testing student log-in details for apps, Seesaw, and other online home tools (via their Home Learning next week);
- If your child/ren are to be at home for an extended period of time, parents are encouraged to test online safety settings and net filtering security of home computers and devices. Check these things now. The school will not take responsibility for this;
- Continuation of student learning at home, via our regular online platforms and apps, as much as possible;
- Providing students with their school iPads to allow access to online home learning;
- Endeavouring to support student wellbeing by providing emotional support and connection to the school community as much as possible;
- Regular communication by the school, and if possible with communication access to teaching and other staff for students and parents; and
- Developing a sense of belonging, connection and support for the children and school community. Our school community can, and will, remain strong together. Since 1882 we’ve stood!
Please note that this situation is unprecedented, therefore, the school’s response and specific actions will be determined by time, context, the health and availability of staff... our access to resources and IT support, therefore cannot be guaranteed.
How we will communicate with you
In the event of closure, a detailed Communication Plan will be emailed to all parents. In the mean-time, necessary Coronavirus updates will continue as normal via:
- Claremont College School App alerts
- Updates provided on the school website homepage
- Email and/or SMS to parents
Please support us by ensuring that you now have access to the above AND that your personal contact details are always up to date on your Parent Portal. Please contact our IT Manager, Mr Andrew Nield immediately should you not be able to access your parent portal page via [email protected]
We are a faith community, so let’s keep our eyes on Jesus
“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” Phillipians 4:6-7
As new information becomes available, I will write to you again to keep you informed about the school’s position. Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you for your understanding and support.