Crazy, Scary, Peace Filled Days
In these crazy and scary times, a highlight of my week is the opportunity that I have to connect with you through this newsletter. I miss seeing the children each day and miss the constant number of people who would normally be dropping in and out of school. I’ve been reminded that it’s the day-to-day stuff in life that I so often take for granted. My prayers are with you and your family each day. Happy ‘Greek Independence Day’ to all our Greek families for Wednesday. I am sad that we should have been marching together through the city this Sunday.
Another highlight has been reading the many stories about the successes that many families have had at home with our ‘Off Campus Learning’ program. This Newsletter has some great articles written about ‘Off Campus Learning’ at Claremont and I am sure you will enjoy reading them. I appreciate that it has not been easy for many people, particularly as you adjust to working from home and juggling your children and their school work. On top of this, are the concerns that many have about their work, businesses and finances. For me personally, this has been challenging for my family because my wife Rowena, has lost much of her income until this whole ghastly issue is resolved. Rowena’s 85-year old mother is frail with full dementia, living in a nursing home and visitors are limited. Like you, we are juggling significantly heightened demands and emotions at work, home and in other circumstances.
Some Thoughts on ‘Anxiety Versus Peace’
I am listening to the Friday morning ABC News as I write, and there is nothing that is particularly hopeful or encouraging. The spread of COVID-19, especially across Europe is alarming. I have woken up to WhatsApp messages from friends all around the world (in the Netherlands, England, India, South Africa, Italy and Hong Kong) and they are all in complete lockdown. They are in disbelief by the images they see of Australia. Surely it will not be long until we are in the same situation. The tension that comes with the uncertainty of where this is heading is incredibly difficult and for many of us. This is upsetting and causing great anxiety. For me, I find the inconsistency of news and directives very difficult, not to mention the worry I have for people l know and love. The news also does not help when leaders evoke the language of war and battle in responding to the virus. This just creates fear, anxiety and panic which we know are the least powerful motivators in human behaviour, and especially when we do not want our anxiety and irritability to rub off on our kids. So, what can we do to stay strong, positive, and replace anxiety with peace?
Firstly, Stay Safe and Healthy
By remaining at home as much as possible, you are not just helping yourself but you are helping our school and wider community. Thank you for the sacrifice you are making by doing this.
Consider The Choices You Can Make
Consider and be heartened by the resources and relationships that are available to you. This may not always be easy, but try to cherish the time that you have at home with your children. Create games and exercise programs together. Embrace the opportunity to teach them valuable life lessons that often get lost in the crazy fast paced lives of school, work, sport and afterschool activities, that we usually live. Make a day plan together as a family, and list the choices that you have. Often this is the first step to not feel like your world is going out of control. Do not hesitate to contact [email protected] if you feel like you are not coping. Thank you to our School Counsellor, Ms Catherine McKersie who has written an excellent Newsletter article on wellbeing. I am sure you will find it most helpful.
Create Connection
Our ‘Off Campus Learning’ keeps children connected to their teachers and to each other. Furthermore, we have embarked on a strategy to keep families connected to the school and to each other. Should we go into a full lockdown, we will connect with you frequently and provide opportunities for staying in touch, having some fun and purpose and to care for each other.
Create Competence
We must recognise that there is opportunity to learn and grow in ways that we would not have imagined. For the children, as well as focussing on the core academic basics, our ‘Off Campus Learning’ is designed to foster the growth of independence, problem solving, creativity and resourcefulness. Earlier this week we published a document ‘101 Things for Screen Free Fun and Learning’ link here. Print this document, or save it as a PDF in case the internet goes down.
“Blessed are the Peacemakers for they shall be called the Children of God”
Usually I think about this famous teaching of Jesus from the Beatitudes in the context of being a peacemaker in times of conflict, wars and fights. However, it's particularly powerful when we think about the peace that we need to have in the face of the inner conflict, fear and anxiety that we are all dealing with at the moment. Jesus is the Prince of Peace. I am praying that each of us has the grace, wisdom, and strength to bring peace to our neighbours and community. I truly believe that peace comes to those whose desire is to bring peace to others. My prayer is that you will experience a sense of deep personal peace, despite all that is happening around you.
Keep Your Eyes on Jesus
I hope that you get the chance to tune into today’s online Chapel Service Chapel Link Here
I love the Bible story of Peter walking on the water. As Peter walked, he kept his eyes on Jesus. Imagine that! Walking on water in the middle of a turbulent and terrible storm. The moment Peter focussed in on the waves that were surrounding him, he began to sink. Jesus’ loving hand then reached in and held on to Peter tightly… and Peter did not go under. May I encourage you to turn your eyes towards Jesus, even if this is something you would not normally consider.
“But Jesus immediately said to them: “Take courage! It’s me. Don’t be afraid.” Matthew 14:27
As we move into another week, I will continue to keep you informed of any news or further developments that are important for our school community.
Stay healthy.
Stay safe.
Stay strong.
Please stay in touch.
Love and prayers.
Doug Thomas
Follow me @DougJThomas