While we still have some limitations placed on how we connect with each other because of COVID, we are beginning to feel that connection we all love when we are able to see one another face to face. Sometimes it is just the little things that help us to connect with each other and to feel connection, however all of these add up to the quality of relationships and connections that matter. (Thank you Darasimi and Scarlett for this beautiful photo - it really looks like you are connecting.)
Deep human connection is… the purpose and the result of a meaningful life – and it will inspire the most amazing acts of love, generosity and humanity. Melinda Gates
Connection: The energy that exists between people when they feel seen, heard and valued, when they can give and receive without judgement, and when they derive sustenance and strength from the relationship.
Brene Brown
Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such is as good for building up, as it fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear. Ephesians 4:29
Here’s a not very fun fact/quote from Brene Brown’s latest book, Atlas Of The Heart (2021, p180):
Living with air pollution increases your odds of dying early by 5 percent. Living with obesity, 20 percent. Excessive drinking, 30 percent. And living with loneliness? It increases our odds of dying early by 45 percent.
So, let’s connect whenever we can!
This week you will have received a link to this year’s ‘Meet The Teacher’ Parent Information Evening, which was once again, online. We hope if you have not listened already that you will do so this weekend, as there is lots of valuable information from the teachers to you, and a recorded way to get to know the staff your child/ren connect with every day at school.
Also, this week we are in the midst of our lead up sessions to the Goal Setting meetings. The students’ responses while setting their personal goals are so varied and range from funny, serious, disbelief, curiosity, thoughtful, insightful, jumping into the pit, resisting the pit, leaning in, and sometimes pushing back. These reactions confirm for us the importance of setting goals and giving the students the belief that they are active participants in their own learning and life journey. Some students are ready to dive into goal setting now while for others, it will take a few years to get to this point. Please refer to Miss McKersie’s article in last week’s newsletter that outlines the purpose of our Goal Setting program.
In addition, the Digital Wellness goal comes from Pasi Sahlberg's research, 'Growing Up Digital' where he talks about the importance of taking ownership of our own Digital Wellness, just like we know food and exercise are good for us, taking control of how and when we use technology in balance is good for us, and for children to understand they have the power to control their technology use, not for it to control us.
Some of his key points:
- In 2019, teenagers were spending 7 hrs/day on technology not including time at school;
- Know the difference between when technology is an entertainment device vs a learning tool;
- The onus is not necessarily on the school to reduce device time, when it is the entertainment time that needs to be reduced;
- Classrooms could have a portion of their day that is technology free - so teachers will make sure that the students know this lesson is ‘technology free’ time; and
- Too much use of personal technology is often a sign that something is not going well.
Our aims for Digital Wellness:
- Each grade to set a digital wellness goal of a specific lesson each day that are technology free; and
- We will be asking the students to set a Digital Wellness goal, about their technology use at home, eg., no technology in the morning, no technology when the family goes out to dinner, to the park, in the bedroom, between school and 6pm etc, recognising that many families already have technology free times, so students will be asked to honour these when they set their goal.
Student use of technology has come up a lot over the past 2 years because of Off Campus Learning, so this initiative is an important step forward, particularly for our students to learn that they have the power to manage their own digital health.
Yesterday, parents of students in Years 1-6 received an invitation via email to book your place to meet with your child’s go-to teacher. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss your child’s goals and to also talk about any other goals you would like to raise as well. If your meeting is during class time, your child will be in the meeting alongside of the teacher. If your meeting is outside of school time, we ask that your child is sitting along side of you during the meeting. Parents of Kindergarten students will receive their invitation on Monday.
If you have a child on an IP (Individual Program), you will have had your meeting already (or prior to the Goal Setting meetings) so please do not book a place in these Goal Setting meetings.
The IP meetings and the Goal Setting meetings are an important way for the staff to meet with parents and students, and to connect and work collaboratively to ensure your child/ren have a productive year of learning and positive experiences connecting with their peers.
Speaking of connection, this weekend the P&F have organised a 140th Birthday Picnic, so that families can get together in an informal setting, to catch up with each other, and to celebrate our school’s birthday. Thank you especially to Sylvia Tziortzis (Dion Y5, Jaymie Y3) for all the hard work and planning that you have put into this event for our school community. We are looking forward to seeing so many of you there!
All the best for the weekend ahead. Stay connected with us and with each other.
Mrs Janelle Ford