This week at Claremont
Our beautiful flowering gum (Corymbia ficifolia) near the fish pond has begun to flower, a truly stunning Australian native from Western Australia. It’s these special things in nature that I really love, we have noticed that many of the children do too, they especially love the gumnuts.
It’s been another fabulous week of learning at Claremont College, with students now truly into their new grade routines, and being challenged to achieve academic excellence at their next curriculum level of learning.
It has also been really appreciated by our teachers to have had the opportunity to meet most of the parents of the students in their care, over the past two weeks. Some parents have commented too that it has been so lovely to be able to come back into the school. It really is the small things we miss when we don’t have them anymore, isn’t it? Our school community has been strong throughout 2020, however we are all looking forward to being able to gather together more often, to strengthen our community.
Each year at the end of the year, we survey parents from Kindy, Year 3 and Year 6 to find out how we are doing in regard to many aspects of school life including:
- Academic Programs,
- Pastoral Care,
- Christian Education,
- Co-Curricular & Extra Curricular Opportunities,
- Sports Program,
- Administration,
- Communication,
- Reputation,
- Affinity (Loyalty), and
- Overall Satisfaction.
We sincerely thank all parents who have taken the time to complete these surveys as the results help us to see how we are tracking from year to year and against 230 schools and over 17,500 respondents across Australia. Our results again this year have been outstanding. While this is the case there is always something to learn from data which is the reason we survey parents, to see what we can do better.
This year we have invited interested parents from the current Year 1 and Year 4 to join us to view the data and to dig deeper into the questions and responses.
During the year, within the newsletters we will be focussing on the Key Learning Areas (KLA) for students, with a specific focus on a different KLA each week. This week our focus is on the English sub-strand of Reading, and within Reading our particular focus is Guided Reading. To many, including myself, this is the most important aspect of learning there is, because it permeates all other learning areas. We hope you enjoy reading about Guided Reading in the ‘Around the School’ section of the newsletter below.
Please note the following date change, from the website and information sent home to our new parents:
Speech Day is on Wednesday 8 December (not Friday 3 December) and this will be the students’ last day of school for 2021.
Please consider coming along to the parents seminars listed below, as these are an important aspect of how we connect with and inform parents about our school initiatives, and the impact of these on student academic achievement.
Sit back and enjoy all that is in the newsletter this week, and appreciate all of the small things in life that matter so much.
The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took and planted in his field. Though it is the smallest of seeds, yet when it grows, it is the largest of garden plants and became a tree. Matthew 13:31-32
Janelle Ford
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Twitter: @claremont2031