Building our Community of Belonging
Connection through relationships builds our community of belonging. By valuing and celebrating our interconnectedness, we strengthen our community of belonging, not only for ourselves but for others.
Brene Brown explains, “I define connection as the energy that exists between people when they feel seen, heard, and valued; when they can give and receive without judgement; and when they derive sustenance and strength from the relationship”. Her comments resonate with us at Claremont because at the heart of Claremont there must be a focus on connections - on relationships.
At Claremont, we have many wellbeing programs that aim to build this sense of belonging. One of these is our Kindergarten and Year 6 Buddy program. It has been incredible to witness our Year 6 and Kindergarten students form a special connection over the past 6 weeks at school. The bond they have and will continue to build is very special.
For those not familiar with the Buddy Program, it involves each of our Year 6 students being paired with a Kindergarten child. The program has been running at Claremont for many years now with tremendous success. Our buddies see each other during recess and for part of their lunch times, and the teachers arrange times to work together collaboratively on a variety of tasks, ranging from reading books, art, writing and play based learning activities.
There are many benefits about the Buddy Program. For Kindergarten students it:
- supports a smooth transition for starting school;
- supports their wellbeing;
- promotes social and support networks for them and their parents throughout the school;
- helps them feel understood, cared for and respected;
- promote a sense of community and belonging to our school; and
- helps their families settle into our school.
For our Year 6 students it:
- supports, acknowledges and encourages their leadership journey;
- supports their wellbeing when being helpful to others in need;
- develops a sense of responsibility and pride;
- develops their intellectual character such as empathy, compassion, initiative and kindness; and
- encourages an appreciation for diversity in others.
Last Friday night our annual ‘Bubbles and Bites’ was a huge success. Parents of our Year 6 and Kindergarten students, and parents of children who have only begun their time at Claremont this year, enjoyed an evening meeting each other. Thank you to Melisse L, Morgan R, Mel Y and Audrey R and our other Year 1 parents who helped put together a great night. During the evening, I shared with the parents about a moment that had only happened earlier that same day, where Jasmine, who previously attended Claremont, arrived at the school gate to collect her younger brother Jake. Not only was it lovely to catch up with a student that I had taught many years ago, but it was incredibly special to witness her reaction when she spotted her Kindergarten buddy from 6 years ago, Cristina (who is now in Year 6). It reminded me of how much of an impact the Buddy Program can have on our students well into their future. We often hear of stories where students and their families meet up together as teenagers or as young adults.
This year, our current Year 6 students have enjoyed developing their leadership skills when caring for their Kindergarten buddy. Congratulations Year 6 for doing such a wonderful job. We look forward to seeing you continue to be an inspiration for your buddies. The Buddy Program will be a tradition that we continue for many years to come.
Traffic System
This past month we have requested that parents follow our Traffic Management Plan when dropping off or picking up their child/ren from school. We ask all parents to be considerate of our neighbours by not blocking laneways or streets. Once again, we remind you that by collecting your child closer to 3:30pm, it will be safer and more efficient for you, as the queue is substantially shorter at that time.
Next Wednesday evening, the Senior Leadership Team will be gathering together with the P&F for our monthly meeting. We will be seeking parent feedback regarding the 3:10pm pick-up time. As you know, we recently made the change to one pick up collection time. We welcome you to provide feedback via your grade’s parent representative/s so this can be discussed. We look forward to consulting with the parents on Wednesday evening, and we thank everyone for their continued support to help make the traffic as safe as possible.
‘Gender Equality Today for a Sustainable Tomorrow’
On Tuesday we celebrated International Women's Day. Thank you to the women on staff and all the mums/carers for all you do for our Claremont family. We value you, respect you and think that you are wonders! This year's theme is 'Gender Equality Today for a Sustainable Tomorrow' - how absolutely right. Please remember that it is important that our school is a place of gender equality, for both our men and women. Never hesitate to come speak with a member of the Senior Leadership Team if this is ever a concern for you at Claremont College. Thank you to everyone who supports and values gender equality in our school.
Harmony Day - 21 March
Monday 21 March marks Harmony Day. This special day aims to celebrate diversity, foster inclusiveness, respect and the idea that people of all different cultures can make a contribution to society. This year’s theme is ‘Everyone Belongs’. Our students will be treated to a cultural dance presentation from our very own Kindergarten teacher, Mrs Gonzalez and her dance group from the Colombian Cultural Folkloric Organisation. They will be showcasing some Latin American dances in the hall during the day. This will be a fabulous opportunity for our students to appreciate the wonderful multicultural community we have, and it will provide an opportunity for students to discuss and reflect Intercultural Understanding which is one of the General Capabilities within the NSW curriculum. Please refer to the event note, which will outline the specific details. To show support of Harmony Day, your child may wear orange (or an item of clothing that is orange) on the day, which is the theme colour for this annual celebration. Thank you Mrs Gonzalez for coordinating this event.
So as we conclude another eventful week, I want to thank you to all for contributing to our Claremont community - a place where everyone belongs.
Keep safe, keep dry.
Larissa Cameron