Everyone Belongs
At Claremont College we recognise that every student is unique. Through celebrating our differences, we come together in a place that is vibrant, culturally rich and most importantly, a place where everyone belongs. Held every year in March, Harmony Day coincides with the United Nations International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. Harmony Day is a celebration of our cultural diversity – a day of cultural respect for everyone who calls Australia home.
This year, the theme for Harmony Day is ‘Everyone Belongs’.
On Monday, we celebrated the day by participating in a workshop where our very own Mrs Gonzalez performed with her dance group her own cultural Latin American dance. It was such a special occasion. Mrs Gonzalez is from Colombia and it was lovely to witness how proud she is of her heritage.
Today the Infants children celebrated with their Grandparents and Special Friends. The rain held off to make this a beautiful occasion, where Grandparents were warmly welcomed to our school. Our Infants children were very proud to show their special visitors the school they belong to. Guests enjoyed watching performances, partaking in morning tea and having a look at the children’s learning spaces. Thank you to our Grandparents and Special Friends for supporting our school and the ‘little one’ you visited today.
At home, we encourage you to discuss with your child/ren the different concepts of ‘family’ and ‘belonging’. Your child may even enjoy creating some things at home to celebrate their own family.
Below are some ideas ;
- Design a family ‘crest’ or logo
- Draw family members
- Draw or depict foods, customs or traditions special to your family
- Create a family mascot
- Cook a 'family favourite'.
Last week we mentioned in our newsletter that we all need to 'do our bit' to improve the traffic management system for the afternoons at the gates. A reminder that now with COVID-19 restrictions easing, we encourage parents to consider using our after-school program ‘TeamKids’, to sign up to onsite after-school activities or to encourage your older child/ren, in preparation for high school, to ride, walk or catch a bus home.
We cannot make the Traffic Management System successful without your help. We ask parents’ cooperation by following these expectations:
- Do NOT arrive before 3:10pm to pick up your child/ren. If you start queuing before then, the line of cars extends into Belmore Rd (!) and doesn’t move because the children are not at the gate at that time to keep the line moving. The queue must only begin when the children are at the gate, ready to be collected.
- Do not make U-turns. This is extremely dangerous.
- Do not cut in from Judge Lane or in front of a queue on either street. This is rude and dangerous. Judge Lane must not be used at all.
- Do not be disrespectful to our staff if they ask you to drive around the block. They are providing a generous service and they have a duty of care to the children.
- Drive as far as possible in the pick-up bay. This way, more children can be collected at the same time.
- We recommend that you collect your child/ren from 3:20pm. The queue moves much more quickly from that time.
- Do not sign your child up to after-school activities that start too close to bell time. It is not acceptable to collect your child before the bell or to insist on arriving early in the queue so you can arrive at an after-school activity in time, as you increase the safety risk to our community. We recommend that offsite after-school activities should not begin before 4pm.
- Be patient with our younger students. No Kindy parent should feel the pressure to start driving before their child is buckled in properly.
- Do not block laneways or driveways. Neighbours need to be able to access these laneways and their driveways.
- Please think ‘bigger picture’, rather than how this only impacts your family life. Keep safety for all the highest priority. It would be devastating for all in our community if a tragic accident occurs.
- Please let other carers/grandparents/nannies etc know of these expectations.
It is absolutely essential that we create systems and practices that prioritise students' safety first. If this means we all need to be that bit more patient, gracious and understanding, then let's do it. We thank you for your support, as we continue to work together to improve the traffic system.
Kindness Culture, Yes! Bullying, No Way!
Last week we recognised the National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence. This year's theme is ‘Kindness Culture – It Starts with You’.
This week we have been teaching the children about the different types of bullying and what to do when they experience or witness bullying. We encourage you to talk with your child about what can be done to help build, strengthen and contribute to a Kindness Culture. For more information about our school-wide approach to preventing and responding to bullying, please refer to our updated Bullying Prevention and Intervention Policy.
I encourage everyone in our school - staff, students and parents, to show respect and kindness. Let’s remember that as adults, we need to model positive behaviours to the children.
"I was under pressure" is not an excuse for toxic behaviour. Being stressed doesn't justify hostility. It's not your responsibility to absorb their pain. Being busy doesn't licence incivility. No one's calendar is too full to be respectful. Most acts of kindness cost nothing."
Adam Grant
And finally, I would like to say a few 'shout outs' to some people who have been noticed for their contribution to our Kindness Culture…
- Our wonderful P&F - thank you for all that you do for our school. You give up your time to generously serve our school.
- Taylor K and Chloe K for donating all their birthday presents to Ukraine.
- Harriet N for sticking up for her peers when noticing an injustice and for helping others get organised before and after lessons.
- Our Grandparents and Special Friends - who have supported, loved and encouraged the Infants children, not only today but every day.
Thank you.
“Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.”
Ephesians 4:32
Larissa Cameron