Colour-in Kotdwara
I have recently had the chance to travel with family and friends over Easter and the past couple of weeks. My work in India was fabulous for a number of reasons, one being that my wife Rowena and three children travelled with me. As my kids grow up (Roxy is 24, Maisy is 21 and Gulliver is 19 years old), opportunities to do things together become less, so this trip was particularly special.
My trip took us to Kotdwara in Northern India for the ‘SHINE’ Women’s Conference. This is an event that my wife and I have created, with the help of our team in Kotdwara. We were delighted that it was a wonderful success. Mrs Dalheim (Head of Learning Support) and Mrs Irwin (Year 3 Teacher) were part of the Australian team who travelled with us, and I am very thankful for the expertise, energy and generosity that they brought with them.
One of the highlights for us all was to hand out all of the colouring-in pencils and textas that had been donated by Claremont College families, as part of our Easter Mufti Day celebrations. Thank you everyone, for your kindness and generosity. Your gift has certainly brought a great deal of delight and happiness to a group of children who essentially have nothing.
My trip to Kotdwara gave me the chance to check in on many of the projects that we have set up. I had the opportunity to catch up with some of the Anti-Human Trafficking Police team and they shared the encouraging news of having rescued 20 children this year. I visited our 6 small schools, presented a leadership seminar to a group of university students and visited friends who all hold a very special place in my heart. There is so much that I could tell you, but I will leave it at this. The connection and friendship between Claremont College and so many children and people in Kotdwara, really is a wonderful opportunity for understanding differences, showing compassion and making a difference in the world and in the lives of others.
Following my time in Northern India, Rowena and I headed to Mumbai where we caught up with some friends, and had the chance to visit another charity project (Vision Rescue) and to work with leaders and some very inspiring teachers who work with kids in Mumbai slums. Then it was off to the Maldives, where Rowena and I celebrated our 30th Wedding Anniversary and enjoyed our ‘second honeymoon’. The Maldives really is one of the most beautiful places in the world and I felt very blessed to have this experience.
Fathering Project Term 2 Gathering
Our Term 2 ‘Fathering Project’ gathering will be held at the Coogee Diggers on Monday 27 May from 7pm. This occasion will provide us with the chance to meet other Claremont Dads, in a relaxed and informal atmosphere, have a cheap meal and beer, and to plan some of the Dads’ and Kids’ events (specifically the Bingo Night and camp) that are coming up in the life of the school. I am pleased to have confirmed (tentatively) the attendance of one of the Constables from the Maroubra Police Crime Prevention Team, who will chat with us about youth and family issues in our local community. Please pencil this date in your diary as it’s sure to be a great night.
One of the goals of the ‘Fathering Project’ is to empower our dads and to raise awareness of issues that impact your children’s lives. For this reason I encourage you to read Mrs Cameron’s E-Safety article that follows in this Newsletter. The importance of a father in the life of his children is significant and cannot be emphasised enough. The ‘Fathering Project’ events at Claremont College are organised to equip and resource our fathers to be the very best dads they can possibly be, in the midst of our busy schedules and very full lives.
Dads and Kids BINGO Night - Date change
We have had some challenges securing a venue (at a reasonable price) for this event. Please note that we have had to change the date to Friday 14 June. We will keep you posted with all of the details as soon as we can.
We are blessed
Thanks once again for the support you give to our School. It has been another fabulous week filled with learning, fun, challenge (well done Year 3 and 5 for surviving your NAPLAN exams, for your determination in doing your best) and enjoying the friendships and many other wonderful experiences that we are blessed to have each and every day here at school.
Doug Thomas
Follow me @DougJThomas