Book Week Parade & International Day
This term we have two whole school events coming up where we are looking forward to inviting parents (and/or grandparents) and friends to these important aspects of learning, to help with activities or simply to share in the children’s excitement while participating.
The first of these is our Book Week celebration with a Book Week Parade on Friday 23 August. Mrs Affleck has outlined the details for this day in this newsletter. There are a few notable changes this year including:
- The theme, which changes every year;
- The change of time to a morning parade, with parents invited to stay for morning tea;
- The general timetable of the day, with Chapel at the end of the day; and
- The Book Stalls.
Please get on board with this day, celebrating reading and books, and don’t be shy, bring along your own super powers… and maybe dress up yourselves!
The second whole school event, is our second biannual ‘International Day’ on Friday 20 September. This was a highlight in 2017 so we are once again looking forward to this important event that celebrates multiculturalism, especially the many cultures within our own school community. To do this we need your ideas, your skills and your help. In next week’s newsletter We will explain the plan for the day. In the meantime, please put your thinking caps on and consider what ideas you can suggest for the rotating activities throughout the day.
These days work best when we have authentic cultural learning experiences. That means we need you to personally share your culture with the students. This is a lot more effective than teaching about a culture that is not our own. We hope to run a series of workshops based on different nationalities (with the teachers there to help of course). You might like to, for example:
- Cook a national dish,
- Teach the children a traditional dance,
- Create some cultural art,
- Share a story and some photos from your country of origin, or
- Play a culturally relevant game.
It is important for all of us that we represent as many of the countries from the Claremont families as possible, and to do this we need you to email us through the office@claremont email address, by Friday 16 August with your ideas for culturally relevant activities that we could implement and if you are able to assist on the day. This will help us to organise some great authentic learning experiences for the students.
Also coming up this term, there are so many thoughtfully planned learning activities across the school, best described by the busyness of the Word Salad below.
We recognise it is difficult to get involved in everything that is happening at school, and we understand this. Your child/ren love you to be involved as often as you can, as this gives them an opportunity to share this aspect of their world. Please give some thought to how you can contribute to these two whole school events. So many good things happen when our school community works together.
Speaking of coming together, don’t forget to get your tables (or parts of tables) together for the P&F Trivia night on 17 August. See additional details in this newsletter.
For just as we have many members in one body and all the members do not have the same function, so we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another. Romans 12: 4-5
Janelle Ford
Deputy Principal
Follow me @janelleford2031