NAIDOC Week Celebration @ Claremont College
Today we celebrated Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples through our NAIDOC Week celebrations. We were very fortunate that we had Aunty Yvonne Walker and Aunty Cheryl Wanganeen-Davey speaking to both the Infants and Primary students, highlighting some different aspects of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture. Here is a summary of the learning today.
Learning Intention:
WALT (We Are Learning To): appreciate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture and to discover how this can be represented in artworks.
Success Criteria:
- I can know how Sorry Day came to be.
- I can show respect to people of different cultures.
- I can represent a story through symbols and art.
- Read Sorry Day by Coral Vass and Dub Leffler (National Library of Australia, 2019) and discussed the implications and how this has impacted First Nations peoples today.
- Watched a video about Aboriginal artwork and talked about how Aboriginal artwork isn’t about looking a certain way, instead, it is about telling a story.
- Created artwork, by first asking students about a message or story that they want to tell. · Uncle Archie Roach’s song Took the Children Away has become iconic and special to all involved. Students listened to this as they completed artworks.
- Read No Way Yirrikipayi! written by the children of Milikapiti School Melville Island in Tiwi and English, and illustrated by Alison Lester (Indigenous Literacy Foundation, 2015).
- Sat together in a yarning circle and discussed what Country means to them. Wrote these ideas down and created a working document/poster for their learning space.
- Learned the ‘sit-down’ song and dance movements of the Torres Strait Islander song Taba Naba, sung in the language of Meriam Mir, which celebrates going to the reef together and enjoying being on Country.
- Modelled scratch artworks and talked about how students might complete the activity.
- Created artwork, by first asking students about a message or story that they want to tell.
- Listened to some Aboriginal stories or music in the background.
- Read No Way Yirrikipayi! written by the children of Milikapiti School, Melville Island in Tiwi and English, and illustrated by Alison Lester (Indigenous Literacy Foundation, 2015).
The photos attached represent today’s activities.
We would like to thank the team of teachers who planned and led the activities for today: Mrs Stephanie Affleck, Mr Angus Ryan and Mrs Lina Gonzalez.