It wasn’t very long ago, in years, that we were getting excited about using technology to enhance learning using Word, Excel, PowerPoint, search engines, a limited number of Apps and presentation tools. We planned Scope & Sequences so that children might learn to type, edit, insert pictures and print their amazing finished products. We still do this occasionally but now there is so much more. And this is something to celebrate.
Off Campus Learning has given us the opportunity to help take the students’ technology skills to the next level, not just for fun, but to enhance their learning. While many parents and teachers worry about the quality of learning that we can realistically and sustainably facilitate during this time, and whether students are missing out on key skills in the process, there is one area of student learning where we can be truly confident…the acquisition of technology skills to enhance learning.
When we see Kindergarten students navigating SeeSaw, moving between applications, reading, writing and solving Mathematics problems online, taking photos and posting their work, zooming in to meet with their teachers, find information through google searches, and learning another language (Indonesian), all with self-assurance and all while they think they are having fun and playing games... This is something to celebrate.
At the other end of our school, our Year 6 students have so much confidence with their technology, to create artworks, learn STEM coding as well as Lego Mindstorms, they use Google Classroom to collaborate, Stile to follow their learning programs, an Epic Reading App to read their favourite novels, Garage Band to learn about and appreciate music, Education Perfect to learn Indonesian, and Video technology to tell their stories. Again, so much to celebrate.
We also need to be thankful for the time, planning, budget allocation, staff professional development (as all of our teachers have completed at least six badges to gain their Apple Teacher Certification) and ongoing proactive technology improvements, all over many years, that have enabled us and our students to be ready for a pandemic…a pandemic that 18 months ago we could not have imagined.
So, let’s celebrate technology, for all of its challenges, for its enabling systems, for its ability to make us think creatively about teaching and learning, for helping us keep in contact with our friends and family around the world and most of all for helping us to provide quality learning experiences during this challenging global environment.
Our future success is directly proportional to our ability to understand, adopt and integrate new technology into our work.
Sukant Ratnakar, Author