Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE) is an important part of the school curriculum. It develops the knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes important for students to take positive action to protect and enhance their own and others’ health, safety and wellbeing in varied and changing contexts.
The study of PDHPE provides students with the opportunity to enhance and develop resilience and connectedness and learn to interact respectfully with others. They develop a commitment to the qualities and characteristics that promote and develop empathy, resilience, respectful relationships, inclusivity and social justice.
Through PDHPE, students develop self-management and interpersonal skills to help them become empowered, self-confident and socially responsible citizens. The learning experiences in PDHPE provide students with a foundation to actively contribute to, and advocate for, the health, safety and wellbeing of themselves and others in the community and beyond school.
In preparation for the new PDHPE syllabus that will be implemented next year, K-6 classes have had a few changes with the delivery of their PDH lessons in the classroom this semester. Lessons have been taught my Mrs Cameron, Ms McKersie and Mr Geering to try and deliver a more holistic and integrative approach to learning in this subject.
Infants students have been learning about how they can care for themselves and for others. They focussed on identifying and describing different emotions, recognising emotional responses and their own emotional responses to different situations. Students also developed practices in self management skills to establish and manage relationships. As well as this, each Infants class has been focusing on the following:
Kindy students learnt the importance of good hygiene and how to stay healthy by preventing the spread of germs. They also explored 'What Keeps Us Healthy' and 'Who Looks After Us When We Are Sick?’
Year 1 students explored health and safety issues concerning their everyday lives and their environment. They discovered how health and safety is dependent on their own behaviour and the behaviour of others. In particular, they learnt about how to stay safe when in the car, the water and when riding a bike.
Year 2 students learned about Environmental Health. They focussed on the impact the personal choices they make in their lives. In Term 4, Year 2 have been discussing and interpreting the friendships they share with peers and other people. They are learning to identify how to be a good friend and how to solve dilemmas that may arise. Students have been learning about what makes individuals different and how to discuss and understand conflicting feelings and opinions.
Primary students have been learning about how to have respectful relationships with one another. They have focused on valuing diversity, empathy and inclusion. Students practised the skills to establish, manage, build and enhance relationships. As well as this, each Primary class has been focussing on the following:
Year 3 students explored ways to live a healthy and balanced lifestyle and what it means to be healthy. They also learnt about factors that influence personal health choices and how safe practices help us to look after our own health and well-being.
Year 4 students studied nutrition and the importance of healthy eating for their body. During Term 4, they are learning about values such as family, friends, health and education and the influence of these on their life.
Year 5 students discussed personal health choices by focusing on the effects of smoking and other drug use such as alcohol. They have been learning about factors that affect their physical, mental and social well being.
Year 6 will participate in the transition to High School Program. They have also further developed their leadership skills through the Kindergarten Buddy sessions and will participate in a 3-day Outdoor Education Program where they will complete a variety of land and water-based activities. They have also been learning about nutrition, safe practices and the consequences of personal lifestyle choices. They will participate in the Amazing Me Personal Development program.
Joel Geering
Head of PDHPE