The mission of the P&F Association is to build bridges between our families and school in this culturally rich community. Through meaningful events and effective fundraising, we enhance learning experiences, strengthen communication between home and school, and celebrate every child and family.
At the P&F annual general meeting, all members of the current year P&F executive committee stand down and all positions are declared vacant. Nominations are taken and the P&F Executive Team for 2021 will be elected. The executive team consists of the P&F President, Vice President Fundraising, Vice President Community Wellbeing, Treasurer and Secretary.
Grade representatives will also be appointed, ideally at least two persons for each grade.
In order to comply with COVID-19 safety guidelines, bookings are essential, to reserve a place at this meeting, as numbers might have to be capped. CLICK HERE to reserve your place. Bookings will close on Tuesday 10 November at 8:00pm .
Please see below the descriptions of these roles and we invite you to consider applying for one of the P&F executive roles or consider becoming a Grade Representative. Please email your interest to [email protected]
Personally, I have been part of the P&F committee for the past 3 years in various roles and have found this to be a positive environment for building our school community. It has been invaluable in supporting our Principal and Vice Principals as well as the parent community. I encourage you to consider being part of the committee in 2021 and even if you cannot commit to a role, we welcome your attendance and input at any meeting throughout the year.
Melisse Lee
P&F President
Officers of the Executive Committee
- Chair all P&F meetings
- Collaborate with the Principal on P&F strategic and community matters
- Forward all other school matters to relevant school staff – refer to published school communication
- Write the P&F event summaries in the newsletter
- Work closely with P&F secretary to distribute any communication to all Claremont Families
- Speak at School functions
Approximate Time Commitment: 10 hours per month
- Attend all P&F general meetings
- Provide support to the president and other executive committee members as appropriate
- Oversee all events on the P&F Calendar
- Ensure there is an Event Manager and a support team for each event
- Manage all Event Management & Budget documents to ensure they are completed
- Work together with the President and Secretary on all communication distributed to Claremont families for each event
Approximate Time Commitment: 8 hours per month
- Attend all general P&F meetings
- Provide support to the president and other executive committee members as appropriate
- A parent voice and advocate for wellbeing matters within the school community
- Provide support and consultation on wellbeing matters as per Principal/Deputy Principal’s request
- Manage collaboration of wellbeing programs and initiatives as per Principal/Deputy Principal’s request; e.g. initiate parent information workshops/evenings, Fathering Project initiatives
- Meet with the Principal/Deputy Principal’s and P&F President to discuss all community wellbeing initiatives for the upcoming calendar year
Approximate Time Commitment: 8 hours per month
The treasurer must have tertiary qualifications in, and experience of, either accounting or bookkeeping
- Attend all general P&F meetings and annual general meetings
- Provide support to the president and other executive committee members as appropriate
- Manage P&F accounts and cash flow, manage cash policies at P&F events
- Responsible for receiving all monies, reimbursements, payments, maintaining accurate records of monies received and deposits
- Utilise MYOB accounting software to track and report P&L and financial position
- Present at each general meeting and AGM a Statement of Account
- Arrange audit process
Approximate Time Commitment: 8 hours per month
- Attend all general P&F meetings
- Provide support to the president and other executive committee members as appropriate
- Keep minutes of all business conducted
- Create and distribute P&F meeting agendas
- Attend all incoming and outgoing correspondence in P&F inbox
- Provide key emails and all P&F communication to the P&F Grade Reps
Approximate Time Commitment: 8 hours per month
AUDITOR (requires Qualifications)
- Review previous years financials to ensure accuracy and completeness of all records
- Issuance of audited accounts letter
Approximate Time Commitment: 4 hours per year
Grade Representatives
- Attend general P&F meetings where possible
- Raise any feedback from parents within your grade relating to the P&F onto the P&F meeting agenda
- Direct parents with any questions /complaints or concerns relating to student, teacher, school related matters to communicate directly to the teachers, Deputy Principals or Principal
- Reach out and welcome new families within your grade
- Distribute information to parents within your grade
- Help organise social events for your grade parents
- Volunteer to help at P&F events
- Organise gifts for grade teachers
Approximate Time Commitment: 3 hours per month