Thank you to the parents who attended our P&F meeting on Zoom on Wednesday evening, and to our P&F President, Melisse Lee as well as the P&F Executive Team for leading the meeting so well. As I later reflected on the meeting, I was really heartened and encouraged by the concerns expressed by attendees regarding the wellbeing of our school community and the psychological wellbeing. These days are filled with increasing uncertainty and this impacts us all in various ways. The parents who spoke at the meeting shared concerns for the emotional health of others and we are all very aware that depression, anxiety, fear, tiredness, frustration and a sense of the overwhelming impact day in and day out.
Yesterday, I spoke with a friend who is a Principal of a primary school in Christchurch, New Zealand, and he told me about the suicide, last week of one of the fathers of his school. This man was facing many challenges with the financial collapse of his business and managing the stress of caring for a child with special needs. He made a terrible and tragic mistake by taking his life. Of course, the family and school are grieving from this loss. Unfortunately, his children have lost the opportunity to share many more years together with their father. Despite the miles between us, I am sure they would value your prayers.
You may think that I am being somewhat reactive or extreme in raising this issue, but I want to reach out to our parent community in communicating that you are not alone in some of the challenges that you might be facing. There is always someone to talk to here in our school community. Please reach out to one of us, and know that you are never imposing, and we are never too busy.
You can contact our school in a number of ways, should you need to talk through the issues and challenges that you might be facing.
[email protected] - Our School Counsellor, Miss Cath McKersie will confidentially receive and respond to your email.
[email protected] - My PA Mrs Kathy-Clare Rochester, will pass on your correspondence directly to me.
External to the school, I would suggest:
Lifeline Australia - 13 11 14
Kids Helpline - 1800 55 1800
MensLine Australia - 1300 78 99 78
Suicide Call Back Service - 1300 659 467
Beyond Blue - 1300 224 636
SANE - 1800 187 263
Specific Financial Services:
National Debt Helpline - 1800 007 007
Wesley Mission Financial Counselling - 1300 827 638
Sean Johns from the Fathering Project and I, will host and facilitate a meeting for dads on Zoom, this Monday 3 August from 7pm. Sean will speak about being a dad during times of crisis. I will speak about the conversations we should be having with children when we are facing challenges and difficulties – what to say and what not to say. I hope that many dads can join us for this virtual gathering. Bring your dinner, beer or preferred beverage for what will be an informative and positive opportunity to be equipped as a father, and to also meet and connect with other Claremont dads. The meeting will conclude by 8:30pm. Please contact the school office via [email protected] if you are interested in participating so we can send you a link to the Zoom link.
As the COVID-19 crisis continues, be reassured in knowing that Claremont is well equipped to support your child’s ongoing learning and wellbeing. We look forward to the opportunity to meet with parents at the Parent Teacher interviews in Week 4. Further to this, our days at school are filled with wonderful moments of fun, excitement, deep learning, creativity, happiness, friendship, warmth and support. The children have the most amazing, caring and dedicated teachers and support staff… there is much to be thankful for.