Next Wednesday 5 February 2020, 7:30pm @ School Hall
Happy New Year.
I look forward to welcoming all parents to attend our upcoming AGM and first P&F meeting for 2020.
As discussed at the last P&F meeting in 2019, the P&F President and the Principal have changed the Exec roles of the P&F Committee to ensure that the P&F remains relevant within our school community over the years ahead. Therefore, please see below a list of all the P&F Exec roles that are all available at the upcoming AGM.
We welcome all parents who are interested to attend the AGM to nominate themselves or support others who are interested in these roles. Even if you cannot commit to a role, please join us for the meeting to learn about some of the exciting things that have been planned for 2020.
The P&F is also a great way to meet parents from all grades and support the school.
Lisa Stamatelatos
P&F President
Key Responsibilities:
- Collaborate with the Principal on P&F strategic and community matters;
- Forward all other school matters to relevant school staff – refer to published school communication;
- Organise and chair the P&F meetings;
- Write the P&F event summaries in the newsletter;
- Work closely with P&F secretary to distribute any communication to all Claremont Families;
- Speak at School functions.
Approximate Time Commitment
10 hours per month
Vice President, Fundraising
Key Responsibilities:
- Oversee all events on the P&F Calendar;
- Ensure there is an Event Manager and a support team for each event;
- Manage all “Event Wrap” documents to ensure they are completed;
- Work together with the President and Secretary on all communication distributed to Claremont families for each event;
- Provide back up for other P&F roles when required.
Approximate Time Commitment
8 hours per month
Vice President, Community Wellbeing
Key Responsibilities:
- A parent voice and advocate for wellbeing matters within the school community;
- Provide support and consultation on wellbeing matters as per Principal’s request;
- Manage collaboration of wellbeing programs and initiatives as per Principal's request; e.g. initiate parent information workshops/evenings, Fathering Project initiatives;
- Meet with the Principal and P&F President to discuss all community wellbeing initiatives for the upcoming calendar year;
- Work together with the President and Secretary on all communication distributed to Claremont families for each event;
- Provide back up for other P&F roles when required.
Approximate Time Commitment
8 hours per month
Key Responsibilities:
- Document P&F meetings through minute taking;
- Create and distribute P&F meeting agendas;
- Manage the P&F Inbox;
- Provide key emails and all P&F communication to the P&F Grade Reps;
- Answer P&F queries and emails and forward to relevant person when required.
Approximate Time Commitment
8 hours per month
Key Responsibilities:
- Manage P&F accounts;
- Manage cash policy for all P&F events;
- Manage cashflow for P&F and clothing pool;
- Organise online reimbursements;
- Utilise accounting software to track and report P&L and financial position;
- Organise auditor and provide records.
Approximate Time Commitment
8 hours per month
Auditor (requires Qualifications
Key Responsibilities:
- Review previous years financials to ensure accuracy and completeness of all records;
- Issuance of audited accounts letter
Approximate Time Commitment
Grade Representatives
Key Responsibilities:
- Attend P&F meetings where possible;
- Raise any feedback from parents within your grade relating to the P&F onto the P&F meeting agenda. All questions /complaints or concerns relating to student, teacher, school related matters to be forwarded to the teachers, Deputy Principals or Principal;
- Volunteer to help at P&F events;
- Distribute information to parents within your grade;
- Help organise social events for your grade parents;
- Organise gifts for grade teachers
Approximate Time Commitment
3 hours per month